The MNY Spotlight

Brooke Jensen, Content Creator and Founder of The Broke Brooke

Meet this weeks Tastemaker is Brooke Jensen! Brooke is a content creator who loves using her platform to work with small businesses, like Mestiza.

Introduce yourself! 

Hi! My name is Brooke Jensen and I’m a lifestyle blogger at The Broke Brooke! I’ve been married to my husband, Andrew, for 6 years. We have one little girl, Charleston, who is 3, and a Baby BOY due in June! We could not be more excited! 

Blog posts Brooke Jensen Founder of The Broke Brooke

Brooke wears the Flora Mini Dress in 3D Blue Floral Lace.

What characteristics (cultural, personality etc) make you unique? 

As someone who thrives off being around people, this past year was especially difficult. However, I never dreamed this space I’ve created on the internet would provide so much joy and connection to others! I’ve met so many amazing women and moms through blogging that I now consider true friends! 

What motivated you to start “The Broke Brooke”? 

I used to be a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and would spend my days full of numbers and spreadsheets. I yearned for a creative outlet to share my fashion finds and things I loved! 

Where do you draw the inspiration for your vision boards from? 
I draw inspiration from so many places! I can’t wait to be able to travel again soon! Over the past year, I’ve loved following along with amazing interior designers and artists who have inspired lots of my fashion choices. 
The Broke Brooke Vision Board

A blue and white vision board from Brooke's Instagram feed (@thebrokebrooke)

What is the most rewarding aspect about what you do? 

The most rewarding aspect of what I do is helping other women find things they LOVE! Nothing makes me happier than receiving a message that I helped find that perfect dress, children’s birthday toy or home decor item! 

How do you interpret “invest in yourself?” and what are the types of things you do to invest in/ empower yourself? 

I think investing in yourself means investing in your own future by taking the time to develop your skills, continuing to push yourself by learning new things, knowing your value/worth, and most importantly investing in your overall well-being!  

Why is it important to you to empower women? 

One of the best things about blogging has been connecting with so many amazing women-owned businesses! It is so important to me that we take the time to lift each other up and provide that constant source of support for each other! 

What draws you to the Mestiza brand? 
I ADORE the classic, elegant styles of the Mestiza brand and how the pieces make you feel when you wear them! I’m such a fan of the feminine details like the bows, florals, and of course the porcelain blue pieces. I love that Mestiza was founded by two women who want to create beautiful pieces to be passed down to future generations!
The Broke Brooke in Mestiza
How did you like your Mestiza piece?! Any details on how it fit or made you feel? 

I was in awe when I received my Mestiza dress in the mail! All of the details and craftsmanship are so beautiful in person! I truly never dreamed I could feel this beautiful at 9 months pregnant! 

Please share an inspirational tip to someone looking to follow your footsteps.
It sounds silly, but my best advice is to “GO FOR IT”! I think I let fear and judgment hold me back for so many years before I started my blog. It’s hard to put yourself out there creatively, but it was the best decision I ever made! It’s never too late to start something you’re passionate about!

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