The MNY Spotlight

Meet Shahira Marei, the Founder & CEO of The Dirty Cookie

Meet Shahira Marei, the Founder & CEO of The Dirty Cookie 

Introduce yourself!
Hello! My name is Shahira Marei and I am founder and CEO of



CEO of the Dirty Cookie Shahira Marei

Shahira wearing the Va Va Voom Midi Dress 

What characteristics (cultural, personality etc) make you unique?

I believe service is a way of life. A lot of people refer to me as a “connector” because I love connecting people to the resources they need, it’s my way of giving back and helping. 

What motivated you to start your own business, The Dirty Cookie?

From a young age, I knew I wanted to have my own business. My father was a retired business man and had a lot of influence on me. He made me realize the benefits of being an entrepreneur early on and how we can help people, by simply providing them jobs. When I had my daughter at 26, I decided that I had to start my business. I was working full time at Boeing so I felt like I had a great corporate job and now a kid but still missing my dream of owning my own business.

The Dirty Cookie

A snapshot from IG @thedirtycookieoc

What is inspiring you at the moment?

My daughter has always been a big inspiration to me. I want her to grow up and see the success of her mom and to be proud. I am working hard to build something big so she can realize anything is possible for her as well. 

How do you interpret “invest in yourself?” and what are the types of things you do to invest in/ empower yourself?

I am huge in investing in yourself. I’ve been investing in myself for 4 years now. The things I invest in are all centered around personal development like meditation, mindset work, business networking events, and communication classes. 

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about running your own business?

To always have faith in yourself. If I am not betting on myself every single day, then I am sure no one else will. 

Describe your personal style in 3 words:

Open, service, positive 

Why is it important to you to empower women?

I grew up around people that believed that men were more superior than women and can achieve a lot more. From a young age, I wanted to prove those people wrong. It’s a huge reason why I am determined to succeed. In order for us to change that perception about women, we must bring each other up. We must support each other and show the world that women are more than capable of being successful at anything they put their minds to. To me, I believe it is my social responsibility to empower women.

What draws you to the Mestiza brand? How does your Mestiza piece make you feel?

I love the quality and beauty of Mestiza. My Mestiza piece gives me a boost in confidence and makes me feel great! I love my dress so much!

Shahira Marei founder of the dirty cookie

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