The MNY Spotlight
Mollie Creason, Founder and Chief Curator of Well and Wonder
This week's Tastemaker Tuesday features Mollie Creason, founder and chief curator of Well + Wonder, an online collection of original art by emerging Southern artists.
I am Mollie Creason and I am the founder and chief curator of Well + Wonder Artist Collective. Well + Wonder represents nearly 40 southern, female, emerging and established artists and sells their works directly on an e-commerce platform to both beginning and established collectors. Although I have a community of artists and a team scattered across the southeast, I am based in my hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. I am married to Scott and Mom to William (8, almost 9!) and Francie (6).
I would say all the different hats I wear make me unique! Entrepreneur, art gallery owner, Mom. Each day is very unique, and I am pretty laid back which I think works well with all the hats I have to wear.

Mollie wears a new piece from the Mestiza Spring Collection, the Carlota Caftan.
10 years ago, I was representing portrait artists and contemporary artists and helping friends and clients place artwork in their homes and heard the same sentiment over and over. “I am too intimidated to shop in an art gallery. I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like. I can’t buy original art – it’s too expensive.” I thought to myself there has got to be a way to showcase original art at various price points on an e-commerce platform. I also was very passionate about introducing the artist behind the work, and wanted to be transparent about what the inspiration was, why it costs what it does, etc. That is when we came up with our core philosophy at Well + Wonder. Art collecting shouldn’t be confusing or intimidating – it should be fun, soulful, and add to your sense of wonder.
Gosh there are so many favorites right now! We just launched our online Floral show last week, so I am wishing for some blooms for Mother’s Day this year: Everything Blooms in its Own Time by Amanda Norman is just divine! Thickly painted on a birch wood panel this piece has incredible texture! Also, we are beginning a renovation of our bedroom and I am thinking a pair of these abstract blooms from Kellie Lawler would be perfect! And because peonies are my favorite but these last forever!
Everything Blooms in its Own Time by Amanda Norman.
You can find and shop more artwork on the Well & Wonder website.
Watching an artist’s career take off is the most rewarding and I have seen it with all of our artists. It’s also fun to watch an artist “come into their own” in terms of style and watching how well that is received with collectors is just the best.

It took me a while to learn the importance of this when my children were very young, and I was balancing work and Mom life. But when I did learn to invest in myself it made a difference not just in my appearance (hello facials and Vitamin C brightening serum!) but in my attitude as well. I also think Covid forced us to really focus on what we needed in order to make ourselves look and feel good. I invest in myself through good monthly facials and facial products. And I also invest in good quality clothing and accessories. My mother (who is my fashion inspiration!) always taught me the importance of quality over quantity when it comes to fashion and I firmly believe in that today!
I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t important to me. I am so inspired by women and feel the need to create a space where we are comfortable to share whether it’s art or ideas or inspiration. So many of our artists are working mothers, students, attorneys, and the list goes on! I know we take on a lot as women and if I can play a small part in their success that is so rewarding.

I love how feminine the clothes are! I adore the details, quality, and colors. Just like I mentioned earlier they are pieces that stand the test of time and can be worn for years (or even passed down to my daughter one day!)
I am ALL about the caftans these days! They blur the line between formal and informal and I am here for it. The white made me feel so beach-y on our spring break trip and I just loved that the dress was comfortable that I could cook, walk on the beach, and take care of children in it (all while looking and feeling so chic!)