The MNY Spotlight

Meet Jennifer Hunter, Founder of Jennifer Hunter Design

Introduce yourself! 

Hi! I am Jennifer Hunter of Jennifer Hunter Design, a boutique residential firm based in New York City.  I am also a mom to two adorable little girls, Hadley and Elle who keep me very busy!

Elliana Barong Mini Dress

Jennifer wears the Elliana Mini Dress in pink and Magnolia Earrings. Shop the newest Elliana Mini in aqua for summer!

You describe your aesthetic as “traditional but seen through fresh eyes.” Can you elaborate on your design philosophy and where you draw inspiration from?

My design philosophy is all about balance, scale, and proportion as I believe those are the key components that make up a space.  Personally, my aesthetic can be described as equal parts tailored and eclectic, glamorous and relaxed, bold and subtle. It is this unique balance that I strive for in every project. I am constantly drawing inspiration from my surroundings, whether that be Central Park, museums, or fashion. I am all about getting up and going to see, touch, and experience. It is the best way to learn and evolve.

What is the most memorable project you’ve ever worked on and what made it special?

I would have to say my parent’s apartment in Washington, D.C. as it was a true family affair. My parents were the client, I was the designer, and my late grandfather was the builder. As if that wasn’t special enough, the apartment had not been touched since the early 1960s when Sister Parish and Albert Hadley decorated it. It was like stepping back in time and hitting the jackpot. In addition to being the epitome of a design jackpot, the discovery was also deeply personal as I had the rare opportunity of interning for Mr. Hadley in college.

In what ways do your personal style intersect with your interior design style, and how are they different?

My personal style and interior design style pretty much parallel one another. I would describe my fashion sense as classic and feminine, but not too fussy. I would say that my clients would probably describe my designs in very much the same way. I wouldn’t really call myself avant-garde or too daring when it comes to fashion, but I do enjoy having fun with it!

Follow along on Instagram @jenniferbeekhunter

As a mother to two, what lessons do you hope your children take away from your work?

I think about the legacy I leave behind often as both my girls ask to work with me one day. I hope they see me as an inspiration and that you can do anything you want to do in this world with hard work, savoir faire and most importantly, kindness.

What is your go-to decoration to liven up a space?

Wallpaper! I would wallpaper every surface I could get my hands on if I could. It just makes a room really come to life. I don’t think any client has ever regretted using wallpaper in their home.

What’s next for Jennifer Hunter Design? Are there any exciting projects or plans in the works you can tell us about?

I think the next big venture would be my own home in CT. I am super excited to share it with everyone as it has truly been something so personal and personifies my style.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the interior design industry?

Get as much experience as possible! Cold call design firms you align with aesthetically and ask to intern or help with photoshoots and installs. “In the field work” is the best way to learn. Also ask lots of questions!

What draws you to the Mestiza brand?

There are so many reasons, where do I begin? First and foremost, I love the idea of creating pieces that are meant to be passed down. Mestiza is synonymous with classic and timeless and I cannot wait to one day gift my girls my Mestiza garments as I know they will be just in style as they are now. I also love the idea of empowering women around the world. At the end of the day us women have to stick together and help lift one another up.

How does wearing your Mestiza piece make you feel?
Wearing my Mestiza piece makes me feel confident, elegant, and timeless.

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